Book Formatting
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We Provide Stylish Formatting
We provide stylish ebook and print book formatting for fiction books.
See detailed information at Book Formatting: Pricing | Ordering.
Book Styles
We have many stylish preset book styles available. See below
Ebook and print styles coordinate, with print styles in black and white.

Our book styles are shown below. Click on the image to enlarge.
Please note: Colors will only display on devices and applications that support color displays.

Clean 1

Ornament 1

Ornament 4

Classic 1

Clean 2

Clean 3

Ornament 2

Ornament 3

Ornament 5

Classic 2

Classic 3

Vintage 1

Vintage 2

Vintage 3

Fresh 1

Fresh 2

Fresh 3

Fresh 4

Craft 1

Craft 2

Craft 3

Digital 1

Digital 2

Digital 3

Highlight 1

Highlight 2

HIghlight 3

Highlight 4

Highlight 5

HIghlight 6
First paragraph styles (flush left, drop cap, capitalized) can be mixed between the styles, along with ornament breaks (ruled line, fading line, flourish, printer's mark, snowflake). Headers and optional footers for print books will coordinate with the book style.
A word about the Kindle app on iPads and iPhones: This app is an older version of the reader that runs on the Kindle, and can't read all of the styles of our up-to-date .mobi file. Standard formatting will display on the Kindle app on iPads and iPhones. Links will function properly.
Fonts for Print Books
Choose from the following fonts.

Adobe Garamond Pro




Crimson Text


Hoefler Text

Iowan Old Style


Times New Roman